
ESD & Lightweight Series Safety Shoe

Product Code : ESD & Lightweight Series Safety Shoe
Model : RPU-3100 S3
Certification : MS ISO 20345 : 2008 and ISO 9001:2015

1) TOE CAP : Steel Toe Cap with Impact and Compression resistant 200 joules ( EN ISO 20345 : 2011 ) S3. ( To Protect your feet toe without hazard )

2) MIDSOLE : Steel Mid Sole plate with puncture resistant at 1100 newton. ( To protect your feet toe without hazard )

3) UPPER : Genuine Grain Barton Leather ( Durable, Comfort Highly Flexible, Breathable, Waterproof and Long time wearability )

4) LINING : Synthetic Air Mesh Fabric ( Padded, moisture-wicking lining with antimicrobial treatment for odor control, highly breathable and comfortable )

5) OUTSOLE : Duel density Polyurethane ( PU ) material with light weight, resistant to certain types of oils and chemicals, heat resistant can withstand temperature of 180 degree for 2 minutes , anti-slip, good abrasion resistant, waterproof and heel energy absorption.

6) INSOLE : Ultra light, Soft memory foam, cushion on forefoot and back heel, full arch support, anti-fatique, good shock absorption for walking and comfortable.

7)ANTISTATIC safety shoes have a low electrical resistance between 0.1 and 1000 MegaOhm (M?). The use of antistatic safety shoes prevents a build-up of static electrical charges in the human body by sending these charges to the ground, preventing a sudden flow of electricity between electrically charged objects caused by contact.

8) ESD (or ElectroStatic Discharge) safety shoes on the other hand, have an even lower electrical resistance between 0.1 and 100 (M?). The use of ESD safety shoes prevents a build-up of static electrical charges in the human body by sending these charges to the ground in a very safe and controlled manner. They guarantee to prevent the sudden flow of electricity between electrically charged objects caused by contact.

Product specification :

  • The S3 standard applies to a range of safety shoes that are designed for outdoor use and wet working environments. They are also compatible with areas that are exposed to fuel and oil.
  • Sizes range : 2 – 13 ( 36 – 47 )
  • Weight : 1.2kg per pair +-
  • Height : 4 inches ( Low Cut )

Suggestion Area Industry :

Manufacturing ( Light, General and Heavy ), Logistics and Warehouse, Aviation, Automotive, Electrical and Electronic, Agricultural and Plantation, Construction, Roadworks, Food and Beverages.


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